Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crater Lake...used to be a Mountain...

This will be the cover of our 1st album cover...we need to make music first...

Hola senors and senoritas!

How is everyone? Feels good to be summer doesn't it? (excluding you southern hemispherers) Well, the team, PCT 1, got a nice little break from the trail to do some sight seeing. So we chose the RV capitol of the world in Crater Lake.

To say the least, the sight did not disappoint. For some it was their first glance at this spectacle that erupted 7,700 years ago and was at one point one of the highest mountains in the Cascade range. This volcano erupted and left behind one of the deepest lakes in the world; it's the 7th deepest I believe.

Either way, the water is incredibly blue and even though it was summer, it was still 8,000 ft up so we were blessed to see some snow and building a fire was essential...we just had to shovel the snow out of the pit.

Much love,

Drew just can't control his excitement.

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