Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to My Office! ~~ PCT - Green Springs Mountian

After 4 days of work the three-tier rockwall is complete! Whoa, what a feeling :)

I would like to welcome everyone to my office for the next four months. I would like to warn you first, if you are coming to my office please bring your own toilet paper because our restroom is all natural and yes you do have to dig your own hole. Next on the agenda at work for this week: Rockwalls, Drainage systems, new tread construction, leading volunteers, lots of fun with a sledgehammer/pic-matic/forrester hoes, and also a sore back! You want in?

The engineers---Valerie, mua, LT.

Really though, this was my first hike for my PCT 1 team. We are stationed out of Hyatt Lake Campgroungs which is about 20 minutes from our worksite, which is Green Springs Mountain that sits at about 4,500 feet. This is it, this is what I signed up for. Hyatt Lake is absolutely beautiful and it has Mt. McGloughlin in the background so the scenery is fantastic. The only downfall is that the nights drop

I'm a little obsessed with my 1st...

Our three volunteers are good friends that met while hiking the PCT. Chia and Mama have completed the PCT by breaking it down by sections. Papa Bear is the bearer of all the useless and interesting knowledge you could imagine. He has just down a nationwide tour of all the National Parks.

Tom, Jackie, LT, Marguerite, Drew, Tanya, Chia, Mama, Papa Bear, Wake.

We were lucky enough to get a project that was entirely new trail construction which is fantastic to get that type of responsibility on our first hitch. You can really notcie your progress because each day we walk in we are walking on the brand new tread that we created. It is fullfilling to see how much tread we were able to create each day as we leave. Your product is visible and physical and it makes the soreness walk back to the rig enjoyable. 2.

Morning PT. Yoga time. What a view.

Papa Bear workin' the calfs.


Some days the clouds stayed with us the entire day. We were IN the clouds.

The view from our Hyatt Lake campsite.

My 1st apron for a rockbar.

Frontcountry hook up on our first hitch.

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