Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pacific Crest Trail Schedule :)

PCT What!! --- That's our team name.

Here's my schedule for the next 4-5 months!

6/9-6/14 - Hyatt Lake, OR: Green Springs Mountain Relocation 1
-Hike 2 miles to work site, new trail construction, sidehill construction, rock structures.

6/15-6/17 - Off

6/18-6/22 - Hyatt Lake: Green Springs Mountain Relocation 2
-Front country spike with 5 volunteers

6/23-6/24 - Off

6/25-7/3 - Happy Camp, CA - Big Ridge Wildfire Rehab (Marble Mountain Wilderness)

7/4-7/8 - Off

7/9 - Travel back to MAC

7/10-7/16 - Buck Peak, OR

7/17-7/19 - Off (Based out of MAC)

7/20-7/29 - White Pass, WA - Goat Rocks Wilderness

7/30-8/2 - Off (Based out of MAC)

8/3-8/7 - Summer Summit - All teams are back at the MAC

8/8-8/9 - Off (Based out of MAC)

8/10-8/15 - Paradise, OR

8/16-8/25 - Horseshow Meadow

8/26-8/29 - Off (Based out of MAC)

8/30-9/4 - Old Snowy

9/5-9/7 - Off (Based out of MAC)

9/8-9/12 - Natural History Service Trip with the other PCT team at Ross Lake up in the North Cascades National Park!!!

9/13-9/17 - Travel to SoCal

9/18-9/25 - North Folk, CA

9/26-9/28 - Off (Based out of Lake Arrowhead)

9/29-10/7 - Mission Creek, CA

10/8-10/19 - Off (Based out of Lake Arrowhead)

10/19-10/22 - Travel back to MAC

10/23-10/30 - Wrap up


  1. Hey Luke!

    Uncle John and I both read your posts. We just got the link from your mom so we will be checking in to see how it's going.

    You look great and sounds like this already has been an excellent experience for you! Fantastic! The pictures are a terriffic addition to your blog too, keep that up!

    We look forward to keeping up with you. Know that you are in our prayers and please stay well and safe on your travels Luke. We are very proud of you.

    Aunt Helene

  2. Hey Burkes!!!

    Thanks for the post. It's great to hear from you and it's fantastic that we can communicate through this! That's the whole reason I put time into keeping it up to date.

    I appreciate your prayers and I'm excited to keep in touch!

