Sunday, May 24, 2009

Seattle for a few

Oi Mates!
So after about 45 hours of being on the road and a knot in my right ass cheek the size of a golfball it was a feeling of great relief to arrive at a destination where I would be at for longer than 5 hours. I was bunked up by Brooke and Josh in the Fremont area of Seattle. They have a great place with two other guys, Ben and Kit, and were fantastic hosts and showed me around a very cool city. Seattle was blossoming and everything was green and there are the Cascades, Mt. Rainer, and an abundance of water surrounding the city on all sides.

Our friends Pete and Abbie were in from WI/MN as well during the weekend so we got a good chunk of nostalgia included which is always enjoyable. The highlights of the trip were the homecooked meals of halibut fish tacos, guacamole, a nice curry, and fried egg sandwiches. One night we had a percussion jam session for about an hour with anything from chopsticks, broomsticks, wine bottles, dimes, car keys, glasses, mugs, and of course the hands and feet.



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