Thursday, May 21, 2009

2300 Miles later...

The journey began in the metropolis of Glenbeulah, WI (pop. 378). It is a great land surrounded by great people, two to be exact...and Maisie, but it was time to take a trip west. I am driving a 1998 Lincoln Town Car out to WA for the Wells and I'm taking along my possessions that will last me for five months out in the land of the Pacific bordering states.
The route I took was through WI, MN, ND, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and WA. I shouldn't have included Sask. because that drive was painfully flat but at the same time I shouldn't give MN props because they like the Vikings. Either way, I am steadily making my way through MN and I stop at a rest area for a stretch and when I was unable to get the car started. Of course minor panic set into effect and I was wondering if this beaut of boat was going to make it all the way across the continent? So AAA, thank you Mom, came through and towed me to a local shop where it started on the first try and after and nice chuckle with the mechanic I hopped back in the glorious Lincoln and hit the yellow line with no more problems along the way.
Monday I did about 15 hours of driving and ended up sleeping the backseat in Harvey, ND. Nice people at the gas station so I decided to find a local campsite and take a snooze. Up at 6am and it's border crossing time! It turns out I look like a drug trafficker and since the Maple Leaf Guards thought it was suspicious that I was from WI, driving a WA plate, and crossing in ND they thought a full car search with a drug dog was necessary. So after a thourough waste of my time I got through to Canada.
Let's skip everything until Tuesday night when I entered into Western Alberta...the Rockies! It was a butterfly feeling that engulfed my body when these spectacular moutains surrounded my car and my thoughts. I have been to CO but when I looked around and saw these mountains I got goosebumps and a feeling of serenity. It was about 11pm and I thought it was a good time to find a campsite and grab some sleep within this range. I camped in Banff National Park and thank God I didn't get attacked by any grizzy bears. I truly do fear them and at the same time I admire them.
I awoke at 5:30am Wednesday morning and got on the road with pure excitement about the drive ahead of me. I made my way throught endless peaks with the sun gradually rising behind them. I had so much excitement racing through my body and a clear mind each mile I drove. My first stop way Lake Louise which from pictures, one actually taken by Grandpa Wake, was my main destination and the southern tip of the Icefields Parkway in Western Alberta. The emerald blue water I was hoping for was frozen solid but I was the only person at one of Canada's most visted destination. After a brief feeling of dissapointment I felt a great feeling of accomplishment making my way there and seeing what I wanted to see. I will be back in the future to see Lake Louise in the summertime.
I got back on the Trans-Canada Hwy and headed west through the thick of the Canadian Rockies. I was mesmerized by every snow-capped peak along the way and I was snapping pictures, it seemed like every five minutes, thinking this photo won't give justice to what my eyes are seeing right now. I will leave the explanations to the photos but a drive through the Rockies by yourself is quite spiritual.
I have to go right now, my library time out here in Seattle is expiring. I will be back soon with the rest of BC, and of course, Seattle!

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